Posted in Abstract Writing

5 Helpful Tips to Write a Powerful Abstract for Your Academic Paper or Dissertation

Do you struggle with writing an abstract? It doesn’t have to be difficult. When it comes to writing an abstract, many students tend to struggle to master the art of abstract writing. Indeed, it is important to include specific information. In most cases, students tend to leave out vital information about their topic or study.

If you connect to this topic, I would like to share 5 helpful tips to write a powerful abstract for your academic paper or dissertation.

1. Keep abstract to one paragraph (150-300 words)
2. Share the purpose of your topic or study
3. Provide an overview of your topic or study
4. Share any major findings
5. Include your interpretation of the findings

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If you need a professional editor to proofread/edit and provide feedback on your abstract or any academic document, Click here on Services to book a proofreading/editing session with me.

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